
This is the 184th most frequent Azerbaijani word.

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"Olmaqla" means "by being" or "by means of" in English.

Here, "olmaqla" is used to indicate a concurrent action or means by which the main action is accomplished.

Kitab oxumaqla olmaqla, mən özümü təkmilləşdirirəm.

Reading books, I improve myself.

In this example, "olmaqla" signifies the method or way in which the subject performs the related action.

O, sevinc almaqla olmaqla, başqalarını da xoşbəxt etməyə çalışır.

By receiving joy, he also strives to make others happy.

Here, "olmaqla" demonstrates the manner or means through which the main action can be achieved.

Xeyriyyəçilik etmək olmaqla, biz cəmiyyətə kömək edə bilərik.

By doing charity, we can help the society.