
This is the 421st most frequent Bulgarian word.

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The Bulgarian abbreviation "чл." stands for "член," meaning "article" (as in a section of a legal document or statute) or "member" (of an organization or group).

Here, 'Член' is used to mean 'member', indicating someone's belonging to a group or organization.

Като член на клуба, той има право да използва всички съоръжения.

As a member of the club, he has the right to use all facilities.

'Чл.' is an abbreviation for 'Член' (Article), used in a legal context to denote a specific article in legislation.

Чл. 21 от закона определя правилата за безопасност.

Article 21 of the law defines the safety rules.

Once again, 'Член' means 'member', specifying an individual part of a group.

На всеки член е предоставено копие от доклада.

A copy of the report was given to each member.