
This is the 653rd most frequent Bulgarian word.

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"bTV" is a Bulgarian television network.

Here, 'BTV' refers to the specific name of a television network in Bulgaria.

БТВ е една от големите телевизионни мрежи в България.

BTV is one of the major television networks in Bulgaria.

In this context, 'Btv' serves to denote the channel where the broadcast was shown.

Между другото, видя ли последното издание по БТВ?

By the way, did you see the latest broadcast on Btv?

Here, 'btw' is used colloquially as an abbreviation of 'by the way', showcasing informal written language influenced by English.

Бтв, обсъждаме ли все още темата от вчера?

By the way, are we still discussing yesterday's topic?