
This is the 566th most frequent Bulgarian word.

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The Bulgarian word "еврозоната" translates to "the Eurozone" in English, referring to the group of European Union countries that use the euro as their official currency.

Here, 'еврозоната' is used to define a geopolitical and economic region.

Еврозоната представлява група държави, които използват еврото като своя официална валута.

The Eurozone consists of a group of countries that use the euro as their official currency.

In this sentence, 'еврозоната' is used to refer to the group as a prospect for participation.

Членството на България в еврозоната ще донесе икономически ползи за страната.

Bulgaria's membership in the Eurozone will bring economic benefits to the country.

Here, 'еврозоната' is used as a descriptor of membership and collective action among countries.

Страните-членки на еврозоната обсъдиха новите финансови правила.

The Eurozone member countries discussed the new financial regulations.