
This is the 919th most frequent Bulgarian word.

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Here, 'заплаха' is used as a noun meaning 'threat', referring to a specific threatening statement or action contained in a letter.

Това писмо съдържа ясна заплаха към мен.

This letter contains a clear threat towards me.

In this context, 'заплаха' signifies the impending danger posed by the possibility of a storm, again used as a noun.

Заплахата от буря ни накара да се приберем по-рано.

The threat of a storm made us return home earlier.

Here, 'заплаха' is used as a noun referring to a verbal threat directed at others.

Той отправи заплаха към служителите, че ще ги уволни.

He made a threat towards the employees to dismiss them.