
This is the 482nd most frequent Bulgarian word.

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The Bulgarian word "итн" is an abbreviation for "Има Такъв Народ" (There Is Such a People), which is the name of a political party in Bulgaria.

Here, 'ИТн' (information technology or 'информационни технологии') is used as a shortened term for IT-related developments.

Възможностите за кариера включват програмиране, анализ на данни, ИТн разработки и други.

Career opportunities include programming, data analysis, IT developments, and more.

Here, 'итн' is used as an abbreviation meaning 'и така нататък' (and so on), used to indicate that the list could continue.

В университета ни учиха за облачните изчисления, роботиката, и итн.

At the university, we were taught about cloud computing, robotics, and so on.

In this sentence, 'итн' is again acting as 'и така нататък', denoting a continuation of the list.

Студентите могат да се включат в дебати, литературни клубове, спортни събития итн.

Students can participate in debates, literary clubs, sports events, and so on.