
This is the 743rd most frequent Bulgarian word.

More Bulgarian resources.


The Bulgarian word "капитал" means "capital" in English, referring to wealth, assets, or resources.

In this sentence, the word 'капитал' refers to financial resources or assets that a company possesses and can utilize for investments.

Компанията има стабилен капитал и може да инвестира в нови проекти.

The company has stable capital and can invest in new projects.

Here, 'капитал' refers metaphorically to the intangible assets of a community, encompassing its social network, values, and cultural bonding.

Социалният капитал на една общност зависи от нейната култура и връзки.

The social capital of a community depends on its culture and connections.

In this context, 'капитал' signifies human potential and skills, viewed as valuable resources that enhance societal progress and economic development.

Образованието е вид човешки капитал, който допринася за развитието на обществото.

Education is a form of human capital that contributes to the development of society.