
This is the 163rd most frequent Bulgarian word.

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The Bulgarian word "МВР" (Министерство на вътрешните работи) translates to "Ministry of Internal Affairs."

In this case, "МВР" is used to indicate the source of information or announcements, associated with the Ministry of Interior.

Последните новини от МВР включват предупреждение за предстоящи метеорологични условия.

The latest news from the Ministry of Interior includes a warning about upcoming weather conditions.

In this sentence, "МВР" is used to refer to the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior, which is a governmental institution.

МВР е структурата, отговорна за поддържане на реда в страната.

The Ministry of Interior is the structure responsible for maintaining order in the country.

Here, "МВР" is mentioned to highlight the members or employees of the Ministry of Interior.

Служителите на МВР проведоха акция за борба с нелегалната търговия.

The employees of the Ministry of Interior conducted an operation to combat illegal trade.