
This is the 500th most frequent Bulgarian word.

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The Bulgarian word "обществото" means "the society" in English.

Here, 'обществото' is used to signify the larger community to which individuals belong.

Ние сме част от обществото и носим отговорност за неговото благосъстояние.

We are a part of the society and bear responsibility for its wellbeing.

In this sentence, the word 'обществото' refers to the collective social environment.

Обществото играе важна роля в развитието на младите хора.

The society plays an important role in the development of young people.

In this usage, 'обществото' denotes the entirety of social structures and cultural norms.

В исторически план обществото се преподрежда при големи културни промени.

Historically, the society reshapes itself during major cultural changes.