
This is the 322nd most frequent Bulgarian word.

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In this example, 'санкции' refers to various types of disciplinary actions or imposed limitations, showcasing its general usage to denote consequences for certain actions.

Санкциите могат да включват глоби или ограничаване на права.

Sanctions may include fines or restriction of rights.

Here, 'санкции' is used in the context of legal or regulatory consequences imposed to enforce rules, showing its application in everyday legal matters.

Въведоха санкции за всички, които паркират неправилно в зоната.

Sanctions were introduced for all who park illegally in the zone.

In this sentence, 'санкции' refers to measures or penalties imposed on individuals who have committed violations, indicating its formal and penalty-oriented usage.

Санкциите срещу нарушителите бяха строги.

The sanctions against the violators were strict.