
This is the 484th most frequent Bulgarian word.

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"Стоянов" is a Bulgarian surname derived from the given name "Стоян" (Stoyan), meaning "descendant of Stoyan."

Here, 'Стоянов' is used as a proper noun to specify a surname.

Стоянов е фамилното име на моя учител по математика.

Stoyanov is the last name of my math teacher.

In this instance, 'Стоянов' is being used as a nominative singular masculine to refer to a person.

Запознах се със Стоянов по време на конференцията за технологии.

I met Stoyanov during the technology conference.

Here, 'Стоянов' denotes a form of address, preceded by courtesy title 'господин', accentuating respect.

Писмото беше адресирано до господин Стоянов.

The letter was addressed to Mr. Stoyanov.