
This is the 714th most frequent Bulgarian word.

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The Bulgarian word "фирмите" translates to "the companies" in English.

In this sentence, 'фирмите' is a plural definite noun meaning 'the companies,' used as a subject to indicate who is providing services.

Фирмите предоставят услуги на клиентите си.

Companies provide services to their customers.

Here, 'фирмите' is used as part of a possessive construction 'на фирмите,' translating to 'of the companies,' showing possession.

Ръководителите на фирмите обсъдиха новите регулации.

The leaders of the companies discussed the new regulations.

In this example, 'фирмите' refers to 'the companies' and acts as the subject modified by the relative clause 'които внедрят нови технологии.'

Фирмите, които внедрят нови технологии, често постигат успехи.

Companies that implement new technologies often achieve success.