
This is the 226th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Alguna" means "some" or "any" in English.

Here, 'alguna' functions as an indefinite pronoun to specify an unknown or not explicitly stated object.

He vist alguna cosa interessant a la botiga.

I saw something interesting at the shop.

'Alguna' acts as an indefinite determiner paired with 'vegada' to indicate an unspecified time.

Potser vindrĂ  alguna vegada la setmana vinent.

Maybe he/she will come some time next week.

In this sentence, 'alguna' is used as an indefinite adjective to describe the noun 'amiga', signifying one or some out of a group.

Tinc alguna amiga que viu a Barcelona.

I have a friend who lives in Barcelona.