
This is the 717th most frequent Catalan word.

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"That" (referring to something distant or abstract).

Here, 'allò' is used as a pronoun referring to something previously mentioned or implied, translating to 'that' in English.

Allò és el que sempre hem volgut veure.

That is what we have always wanted to see.

In this context, 'allò' introduces a relative clause and is paired with 'que', representing 'that' or 'that which' in English.

No em puc imaginar allò que em vas explicar ahir.

I can't imagine that which you told me yesterday.

In this usage, 'allò' emphasizes the specific element in the sentence, meaning 'that' in English.

Va ser realment allò que va fer la diferència.

It was truly that which made the difference.