
This is the 18th most frequent Catalan word.


"Als" in Catalan means "to the" or "at the" in English (masculine plural form).

Here, 'als' combines 'a' (to) with 'els' (the, plural), forming a prepositional locution to specify the time frame, 'the mornings'.

Als matins, m'agrada caminar.

In the mornings, I enjoy walking.

In this sentence, 'als' contracts 'a' (to) and 'els' (the, plural), indicating the indirect object of the action, 'your friends'.

He deixat les claus als teus amics.

I left the keys with your friends.

The word 'als' is a contraction of 'a' (to) and 'els' (the, plural), functioning as a prepositional phrase indicating the indirect object of the action, 'the children'.

Vaig donar el llibre als nens.

I gave the book to the children.