
This is the 382nd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Arriba" in Catalan means "arrives" or "reaches."

Here, 'arriba' is used as a verb meaning 'to arrive', and it indicates the action of reaching a destination.

El vaixell arriba al port.

The ship arrives at the port.

'Arriba' is used as a place name referring to 'up' or 'above' in this contextual sentence.

L'estrella més brillant està al cel de just a sobre nostre; allà està, just allà dalt amb el seu lloc d'arriba.

The brightest star is in the sky just above us; there it is, right up there in its place of arrival.

Here, 'arriba' demonstrates a movement to an upper position.

Fins a dalt, pugen les escales fins arriva al pis més alt.

Up to the top, they climb the stairs to reach the highest floor.