
This is the 988th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Arribarà" means "will arrive" in English.

In this case, 'arribarà' is used metaphorically in the future tense to signify achieving a state or condition, specifically 'to become'.

Si tot va bé, arribarà a ser un gran músic.

If all goes well, he will become a great musician.

Here, 'arribarà' is expressed in a figurative sense, implying the occurrence or approach of a time or event in the future.

Es diu que arribarà el dia en què viurem en pau.

It is said that the day will come when we will live in peace.

Here, 'arribarà' is used in the future tense to indicate the time the train is expected to arrive, showcasing its literal meaning of 'will arrive'.

El tren arribarà a les sis del matí.

The train will arrive at six in the morning.