
This is the 311th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Borràs" does not have a direct meaning in Catalan; it is typically a surname.

Here, 'Borràs' is used as a surname, identifying a person.

En Joan Borràs va arribar tard a la reunió.

Joan Borràs arrived late to the meeting.

In this sentence, 'borràs' refers to a type of rugged fabric, burlap.

El borràs del cotxe necessita ser canviat aviat.

The burlap of the car needs to be replaced soon.

Here, 'borràs' describes a sudden, diffuse burst or cloud, representing a figurative use.

Quan va caure la bossa de farina, es va produir un borràs de pols.

When the bag of flour fell, a cloud of dust was created.