
This is the 302nd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Campanya" in Catalan means "campaign" in English.

Here, 'campanya' is used to refer to a planned series of activities aimed at promoting a product or cause.

La campanya publicitària va ser molt efectiva aquest any.

The advertising campaign was very effective this year.

In this sentence, 'campanya' is used to describe a large-scale healthcare initiative.

Durant la campanya de vacunació, molta gent va rebre la primera dosi.

During the vaccination campaign, many people received the first dose.

Here, 'campanya' refers to an organized effort within a community aimed at achieving a specific goal, in this case, cleaning beaches.

Cada primavera, es duu a terme una campanya per netejar les platges.

Every spring, a campaign is carried out to clean the beaches.