
This is the 815th most frequent Catalan word.

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The Catalan word "casado" does not exist; it is Spanish for "married." In Catalan, the equivalent is "casat" (masculine) or "casada" (feminine).

Here, 'casat' is the singular masculine form of the past participle that serves as an adjective to indicate marital status.

Ell està casat amb la Maria.

He is married to Maria.

In this scenario, 'casat' serves as an adjective to describe a man who is married.

La pel·lícula tracta sobre un casat que es troba una antiga flama.

The movie is about a married man who meets an old flame.

In this sentence, 'casat' and 'casada' denote the marital status for masculine and feminine subjects, respectively.

Aquest estil de vida només és possible si estàs casat o casada amb una persona molt comprensiva.

This lifestyle is only possible if you are married to a very understanding person.