
This is the 672nd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Coalició" in Catalan means "coalition" in English, referring to an alliance between groups or parties for a common purpose.

The word 'coalició' refers to a union or collaboration of organizations.

Una coalició d'organitzacions està promovent la sostenibilitat ambiental a la regió.

A coalition of organizations is promoting environmental sustainability in the region.

The word 'coalició' denotes a union formed by military entities for a specific purpose.

Després de llargues negociacions, la coalició militar va acordar accions conjuntes.

After lengthy negotiations, the military coalition agreed on joint actions.

The word 'coalició' here means an alliance or cooperative agreement between political parties.

La coalició formada per diversos partits treballa per a l'estabilitat del govern.

The coalition formed by various parties works for the stability of the government.