
This is the 905th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Condemna" means "sentence" or "condemnation" in English.

In this sentence, 'condemna' refers to the judicial sentence handed down to a convicted individual.

La condemna per aquell crim va ser de deu anys.

The sentence for that crime was ten years.

In this sentence, 'condemna' refers to a public denouncement or reprimand of an action or situation, outside of a judicial context.

Van expressar la seva condemna a la violència en una declaració pública.

They expressed their condemnation of violence in a public statement.

Here, 'condemna' signifies the metaphorical burden or punishment one endures internally, not related to a judicial context.

La seva condemna és viure amb la culpabilitat del que va passar.

His condemnation is living with the guilt of what happened.