
This is the 289th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Congrés" in Catalan means "congress" or "conference" in English.

Here, 'congrés' denotes a formal legislative assembly, specifying the name of the legislative institution in Spain.

El Congrés dels Diputats va aprovar la llei.

The Congress of Deputies passed the law.

In this sentence, 'congrés' signifies a structured gathering or conference, emphasizing its use within a professional or thematic meeting setting.

Vaig assistir a un congrés sobre tecnologia educativa.

I attended a congress on educational technology.

In this sentence, 'congrés' refers to a formal meeting or assembly, specifically in a scientific context, showcasing its usage to mean a conference or convention.

El congrés de ciències es farà el pròxim mes.

The science congress will take place next month.