
This is the 837th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Creat" in Catalan means "created."

In this sentence, 'creat' is used as the past participle of the verb 'crear', to form the passive voice expressing that the document was created by someone or something.

Aquest document ha estat creat recentment.

This document has been created recently.

Here, 'creat' functions as the past participle of 'crear', forming the perfect infinitive to indicate the completed action of creating a new model.

Ell sembla haver creat un nou model.

He seems to have created a new model.

In this usage, 'creat' is employed in a passive construct, highlighting the agent ('per equips internacionals') responsible for the creation of the project.

El nostre projecte és creat per equips internacionals.

Our project is created by international teams.