
This is the 554th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Deixa" in Catalan means "legacy," "inheritance," or "bequest."

Here, 'deixa' is the third person singular present indicative form of 'deixar', meaning 'to lend' or 'to allow to borrow' in this context.

Sovint em deixa el seu paraigua quan plou.

He/She often lends me his/her umbrella when it rains.

In this example, 'deixa' represents the third person singular present indicative form of 'deixar', where it conveys the meaning of 'to leave behind' or 'to cause to remain'.

El temps ens deixa records inesborrables.

Time leaves us with unforgettable memories.

The word 'deixa' is used here as the imperative form of the verb 'deixar', meaning 'to leave' or 'to put down'. It's instructing someone to place the book on the table.

Deixa el llibre a sobre de la taula.

Leave the book on the table.