
This is the 151st most frequent Catalan word.

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"Deixar" means "to leave" or "to allow."

In this instance, 'deixar' (combined with 'de' and an infinitive verb) means 'to stop' or 'to cease doing something'.

Vaig deixar d'anar al gimnàs el mes passat.

I stopped going to the gym last month.

In this sentence, 'deixar' means 'to leave' or 'to put something down', indicating the act of leaving an object in a specific location.

Vaig deixar el llibre sobre la taula.

I left the book on the table.

Here, 'deixar' is used to mean 'to lend' or 'to allow someone to use something temporarily'.

Pots deixar-me el cotxe per al cap de setmana?

Can you lend me the car for the weekend?