
This is the 26th most frequent Catalan word.


"Des" in Catalan means "since" or "from" in certain contexts.

'Des' is used as part of the prepositional phrase 'des de', meaning 'from', indicating the origin or starting point.

Des de casa meva puc veure la muntanya.

From my house, I can see the mountain.

'Des' is also part of the prepositional phrase 'des del', meaning 'from', here indicating the source or basis of the speaking.

Ell parla des del cor quan expressa els seus sentiments.

He speaks from the heart when he expresses his feelings.

'Des' is used here in the prepositional phrase 'des que', meaning 'since', indicating the starting point in time of a relationship's improvement.

Les relacions van millorant amb el temps des que vam començar a respectar-nos més.

Relationships have been improving over time since we started respecting each other more.