
This is the 268th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Desembre" means "December" in English.

In this case, 'desembre' is used in conjunction with the demonstrative 'aquest' to reference a specific occurrence of December.

Aquest desembre probablement serà més fred que l'anterior.

This December will probably be colder than the last.

In this sentence, 'desembre' is used as the name of the last month of the year, functioning as the subject of the sentence, referring to a specific time.

El desembre és el mes de l'hivern.

December is the month of winter.

Here, 'desembre' is used to indicate a specific time period as part of a prepositional phrase, defining when the action took place.

L'any passat, al desembre, vam decorar l'arbre de Nadal.

Last year, in December, we decorated the Christmas tree.