
This is the 364th most frequent Catalan word.


The Catalan word "em" is a reflexive or personal pronoun meaning "myself" or "me" (used as an indirect or direct object).

Here, 'em' is a reflexive pronoun used with the verb 'llevar' to indicate that the subject is performing the action on themselves.

Em llevo molt d'hora al matí.

I wake up very early in the morning.

In this sentence, 'em' is a reflexive pronoun used in an impersonal sense with the verb 'preocupar' to express personal concern.

Em preocupa el seu estat de salut.

I am concerned about his health condition.

Here, 'em' acts as a reflexive pronoun in an indirect object context, indicating the backpack is carried for my benefit.

Sempre em porta la motxilla quan estic cansat.

He always carries the backpack for me when I am tired.