
This is the 592nd most frequent Catalan word.

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To write.

In this example, 'escriure' again means 'to write' and is used to describe the author's decision to create a written work.

L'escriptor va decidir escriure un llibre sobre la seva experiència personal.

The writer decided to write a book about his personal experience.

Here, 'escriure' suggests the action of physically creating a text, in this case, a letter, to convey one's emotions.

Hauries d'escriure una carta per expressar els teus sentiments.

You should write a letter to express your feelings.

Here, 'escriure' functions as a verb meaning 'to write'—it's used to express the act of composing written text.

M'agrada escriure històries curtes durant el meu temps lliure.

I like to write short stories during my free time.