
This is the 504th most frequent Catalan word.

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A cultural or entertainment event, often with performances or celebrations.

In this sentence, the word 'festival' is used to refer to a cultural or social event that involves music and is part of a series of organized activities.

El festival de música d'estiu és molt popular entre els joves.

The summer music festival is very popular among young people.

In this instance, 'festival' refers broadly to any celebratory or commemorative event typically organized around a theme or focus by an individual or group.

Encara recordo el festival que en Joan va organitzar l'any passat, va ser inoblidable.

I still remember the festival that Joan organized last year; it was unforgettable.

Here, 'festival' denotes a dedicated event or series of screenings focused on the film industry.

Aquest any el festival de cine presenta pel·lícules d'arreu del món.

This year, the film festival showcases movies from around the world.