
This is the 323rd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Finals" in Catalan means "end" or "conclusion" and can also refer to "final stages" or "final exams," depending on context.

In this sentence, 'finals' is used as a noun, referring to the concluding phase of a competition.

Ha arribat a les finals del torneig.

He has reached the finals of the tournament.

'Finals' functions as a time-related term as a noun here, generally meaning the late stages, contrasting with 'el principi' (the beginning).

El partit serà als finals, no al principi.

The game will be towards the end, not at the beginning.

Here, 'finals' functions as an adjective, describing the noun 'dies' (days) to indicate the last ones.

Els dies finals de l'any són plens de celebracions.

The final days of the year are full of celebrations.