
This is the 505th most frequent Catalan word.

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To guarantee or to ensure.

In this sentence, 'garantir' is used in its literal sense, meaning to ensure or safeguard something specific, in this case, the rights of a citizen.

Estem treballant per garantir els teus drets com a ciutadà.

We are working to guarantee your rights as a citizen.

Here, 'garantir' is used in a formal and legal context, emphasizing assurance provided through clauses in a contract.

El nou contracte ha d'incloure clàusules que garanteixin els beneficis dels empleats.

The new contract must include clauses that guarantee the employees' benefits.

In this statement, 'garantir' reflects a promise or commitment made by a party to uphold a certain standard or expectation.

L'empresa es compromet a garantir la qualitat dels seus productes.

The company commits to guaranteeing the quality of its products.