
This is the 233rd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Hem" is the first-person plural present indicative form of the verb "haver," meaning "we have" in English.

In this sentence, 'hem' is the first-person plural present form of the verb 'haver,' used as an auxiliary verb in the present perfect tense.

Hem anat al parc aquest matí.

We went to the park this morning.

Here, 'hem' is the first-person plural present form of the verb 'haver,' used in the idiomatic expression 'hem de,' which means 'we must.'

Hem de sortir ara si volem arribar a temps.

We must leave now if we want to arrive on time.

Again, 'hem' is the first-person plural present form of 'haver,' serving as an auxiliary verb for the conjugation of the present perfect tense.

Nosaltres hem fet un gran esforç per aconseguir-ho.

We have made a great effort to achieve it.