
This is the 924th most frequent Catalan word.

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The Catalan word "impacte" means "impact" in English, referring to the effect or influence of one thing on another.

'Impacte' here is used to signify the effect or influence of a certain event or action on a broader system.

El impacte de la nova llei es notarà en l'economia.

The impact of the new law will be felt in the economy.

Here, 'impacte' is used to denote the physical collision or contact between objects, resulting in significant change or damage.

L'impacte de l'asteroide va causar un enorme cràter a la superfície del planeta.

The impact of the asteroid caused a huge crater on the planet's surface.

In this sentence, 'impacte' refers to an emotional or psychological influence something has on individuals.

La pel·lícula va tenir un gran impacte emocional en l'audiència.

The movie had a great emotional impact on the audience.