
This is the 597th most frequent Catalan word.

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In this sentence, 'inclou' shows that the itinerary for the weekend trip comprises a scheduled visit to a place.

L'excursió del cap de setmana inclou una visita al castell medieval.

The weekend trip includes a visit to the medieval castle.

'Inclouen' (plural form of 'inclou') is used within this sentence to represent that the hotel provides breakfast as part of the overall service package.

Els serveis hotelers inclouen l'esmorzar complet cada matí.

The hotel services include a full breakfast each morning.

Here, 'inclou' is used to indicate that the book contains a specific section or feature, emphasizing its inclusiveness.

El llibre que acabo de comprar inclou un capítol addicional sobre història.

The book I just purchased includes an additional chapter on history.