
This is the 480th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Intervenció" means "intervention" in English.

Here, 'intervenció' denotes a medical or surgical procedure intended to address or solve a health issue.

El cirurgià va realitzar una intervenció exitosa per tractar la lesió.

The surgeon performed a successful intervention to treat the injury.

In this case, 'intervenció' refers to someone's active participation or contribution to a discussion or event.

La intervenció de l'alumne en el debat va ser molt encertada.

The student's intervention in the debate was very insightful.

In this sentence, 'intervenció' refers to the act of interfering or taking action in a process or system, particularly by an authority or institution, to bring about change or improvements.

La intervenció del govern en l'economia va ser necessària per estabilitzar-la.

The intervention of the government in the economy was necessary to stabilize it.