
This is the 785th most frequent Catalan word.



In this sentence, 'junt' is part of the phrase 'junts,' meaning 'together,' denoting union or shared action between the two friends.

Els dos amics van decidir anar junts al concert, sempre han fet les coses junts.

The two friends decided to go to the concert together; they have always done things together.

Here, 'juntament' means 'together' or 'jointly,' describing the cooperative effort of the institutions in addressing an issue.

Les institucions treballen juntament per trobar una soluciĆ³ als problemes actuals.

The institutions work together to find a solution to current issues.

In this usage, 'juntament amb' translates as 'together with,' indicating accompaniment in the act of acquiring both items.

Van comprar la casa juntament amb el terreny adjacent.

They bought the house along with the adjoining land.