
This is the 660th most frequent Catalan word.

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The Catalan word "kremlin" refers to a fortified central complex in historic Russian cities, especially the Moscow Kremlin, which is the seat of government.

Here, 'kremlin' refers to the specific historic fortified complex in Moscow.

El kremlin de Moscou és un lloc històric molt conegut.

The Kremlin of Moscow is a well-known historic site.

In this context, 'kremlin' is used as a general term signifying a fortified complex or castle in Russian cities.

La paraula 'kremlin' pot referir-se a qualsevol ciutat fortificada a Rússia.

The word 'kremlin' can refer to any fortified city in Russia.

Here, 'kremlin' is used as a metaphor for the Russian government or authority.

El kremlin també pot simbolitzar el poder polític rus en els discursos polítics.

The Kremlin can also symbolize Russian political power in political speeches.