
This is the 928th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Mandat" in Catalan means "mandate" or "term of office" in English.

In this sentence, the word 'mandat' is used to mean 'term of office' or the duration of a position held by an individual in a leadership or official role.

El mandat del president va durar quatre anys.

The president's term lasted four years.

Here, 'mandat' is again referring to the period during which an official exercises their duties. It provides context for the actions taken during that time.

Durant el seu mandat, es van implementar diverses reformes.

During his term, several reforms were implemented.

In this case, 'mandat' is utilized to indicate 'judicial mandate', where it signifies a formal order from an authority figure or institution.

El mandat judicial va obligar l'empresa a prendre mesures immediates.

The judicial mandate required the company to take immediate actions.