
This is the 787th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Mateixes" means "same" (feminine plural) in English.

In this sentence, 'mateixes' is used as a feminine plural adjective meaning 'same,' agreeing in gender and number with 'noies' (girls).

Les mateixes noies hi seran demà.

The same girls will be there tomorrow.

Here, 'mateixes' acts as an intensifying pronoun (feminine plural) meaning 'themselves,' referring to 'elles' (they).

Elles mateixes van decidir anar-hi.

They themselves decided to go there.

In this context, 'mateixes' is also a feminine plural adjective meaning 'same,' agreeing in gender and number with 'condicions' (conditions).

Posa les mateixes condicions per a tothom.

He/She/They applies the same conditions for everyone.