
This is the 213th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Mitjana" in English means "average" or "mean."

Here, 'mitjana' is used as a noun meaning 'average,' referring to the mathematical calculation of the ages of the class members.

La mitjana d'edat de la classe és de vint anys.

The average age of the class is twenty years.

In this sentence, 'mitjana' is a noun referring to a measure of beer, equivalent to a pint in certain contexts.

Varen prendre una mitjana cadascú.

They each took a pint.

Here, 'mitjana' is used as an adjective meaning 'middle,' modifying 'tarda' (afternoon).

A la mitjana tarda, sortirem a passejar.

In the middle of the afternoon, we will go for a walk.