
This is the 858th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Novetats" means "news" or "novelties" in English.

In this sentence, 'novetats' denotes 'new releases' in the field of publishing, showcasing its application to describe new entries or editions.

Les novetats editorials d'aquest mes em semblen molt prometedores.

This month's editorial novelties seem very promising to me.

Here, 'novetats' refers to new developments or advancements in technology, highlighting its use to indicate 'new features' or 'innovations'.

Hi ha moltes novetats interessants al món de la tecnologia.

There are many interesting novelties in the world of technology.

Here, 'novetats' implies 'news' or 'updates,' typically regarding recent events or information one has come across.

M’agrada compartir novetats amb els meus amics durant les trobades.

I like to share novelties with my friends during gatherings.