
This is the 279th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Palma" in Catalan means "palm" (as in the palm of the hand or a palm tree).

Refers to the palm of a hand.

La palma de la meva mà és molt suau.

The palm of my hand is very soft.

In this context, 'palma' metaphorically refers to a gesture of approval or recognition, akin to a 'pat on the back'.

Vaig rebre una palma al partit per la meva defensa excel·lent.

I received a pat on the back in the match for my excellent defense.

Refers to a geographical location, the city of Palma in Mallorca.

A Palma de Mallorca hi ha moltes platges boniques.

In Palma de Mallorca, there are many beautiful beaches.