
This is the 275th most frequent Catalan word.


"Periodista" means "journalist" in English.

Here, 'periodista' is used as a noun referring to a journalist (female), highlighting the profession of the subject.

La periodista va cobrir els esdeveniments locals amb gran detall.

The journalist covered the local events in great detail.

In this instance, 'periodista' refers to someone in the profession, emphasizing the ethical responsibilities associated with the role.

Com a periodista, ha de mantenir la seva neutralitat.

As a journalist, she/he has to maintain their neutrality.

The plural form 'periodistes' is employed to denote a team or group of journalists, showcasing the collaborative nature of the profession.

L'equip de periodistes va arribar a la zona de conflicte al matí.

The team of journalists arrived at the conflict zone in the morning.