
This is the 406th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Període" in Catalan means "period" or "interval of time" in English.

In this sentence, 'període' is used to mean 'time frame' or 'duration' specifically reserved for taking an action, in this case, enrollment.

El període de matrícula per al curs vinent comença demà.

The enrollment period for the upcoming course begins tomorrow.

Here, 'període' indicates a specific span of time during which holidays are observed.

Durant el període de vacances, les oficines romandran tancades.

During the holiday period, the offices will remain closed.

In this example, 'període' refers to a specified interval of time pertaining to the coverage of a report.

L'informe cobreix un període de cinc anys.

The report covers a period of five years.