
This is the 942nd most frequent Catalan word.

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"Premis" in Catalan means "awards" or "prizes" in English.

In this sentence, 'premis' is used to refer to awards or prizes given in recognition of achievements.

Els premis de la competició es lliuraran després del sopar.

The prizes of the competition will be awarded after the dinner.

Here, 'premis' is used as the plural noun to denote formal awards or recognitions, specifically referring to the Nobel prizes.

Els premis Nobel són considerats molt prestigiosos.

The Nobel prizes are considered very prestigious.

In this instance, 'premis' signifies items or rewards that can be won in a competition, such as a raffle.

En el sorteig, els premis disponibles inclouen bitllets d'avió.

In the raffle, the available prizes include flight tickets.