
This is the 464th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Primeres" means "first ones" in English.

Here, 'primeres' serves as a plural feminine adjective, modifying 'flors' (flowers), and it denotes ordinal sequence (the first).

Les primeres flors han florit al jardí.

The first flowers have bloomed in the garden.

In this sentence, 'primeres' also functions as a plural feminine adjective but denotes an initial stage or preliminary nature of 'conclusions' (conclusions).

Els resultats mostraran les primeres conclusions.

The results will show the preliminary conclusions.

Here, 'primeres' describes 'impressions' (impressions) and signifies the initial ideas or perceptions.

Vaig tenir les primeres impressions durant la reunió.

I had the first impressions during the meeting.