
This is the 309th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Quedat" in Catalan means "stayed" or "remained."

Here, 'quedat' is used as the past participle of the verb 'quedar-se', meaning 'to stay' in a reflexive sense. It describes a completed action.

Ell s'ha quedat a casa avui perquè no se sent bé.

He has stayed home today because he doesn't feel well.

In this case, 'quedat' is part of the reflexive verb 'quedar-se' and is used metaphorically to mean 'to retain or recall information'.

No t'has quedat amb res del que he explicat?

Haven't you remembered anything from what I explained?

Here, 'quedat' is part of an idiomatic expression 'quedar-se impressionat', which means 'to be impressed' and indicates a subjective emotional state.

Després de l'entrevista, m'he quedat bastant impressionat.

After the interview, I was quite impressed.