
This is the 540th most frequent Catalan word.

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"Queden" in Catalan means "they remain" or "they are left."

In this example, 'queden' is used to signify the remaining amount of something, functioning as the verb 'to remain' in English.

Queden poques entrades per al concert.

Few tickets remain for the concert.

Here, 'queden' is employed to inquire about the location of someone, acting as the verb 'to stay' in English.

On queden els teus amics?

Where are your friends staying?

In this sentence, 'queden' is used metaphorically to indicate that the responsibility or authority over something remains with someone, similar to 'to stay/remain' in English.

Les decisions sempre queden en mans del comitè.

The decisions always remain in the hands of the committee.